That meant Saito, who lives well outside Tokyo, hadto rise at 4 to drive to Mano's place in the city in time to pickher up and be in line at the theater by 6:15.'ĮDT (2320 GMT)TOKYO (AP) - It doesn't have asqueaky-clean story line or a happy ending. Last Saturday, but Satoshi Saito and AyakoMano were just starting theirs.They knew that if they hoped to get a seatto see 'The Princess Mononoke,' they'd have to make the7 a.m. These days in the wee hours inGinza, it's a doe-eyed little princess who has hundreds of peoplestanding in line.Many couples were just ending their Fridaynight dates at 4 a.m.

Releases it in the States and Europe.Nine months ago, thousands of Japanese werelining up before dawn in Ginza - the closest thing Tokyo has toNew York's Times Square - to buy a little-known electronicchicken gizmo called a Tamagotchi. Parents still coping with the Tamagotchi,the electronic pet that swept Japan and has done nearly as wellin the United States, might want to note that 'The PrincessMononoke' will arrive in the United States next March, whenthe Walt Disney Co. Princess Mononoke key chains and stuffedanimals and books are selling faster than they can bemanufactured.And like most big Japanese fads, this oneis headed for America.